What Does Organisational Agility Mean
Organisational Agility comes from creating a culture that is a blend of new ways of working, a growth mindset and an increased customer centricity to create offerings that delight and create a competitive advantage, or improve internal operational performance in an ever-changing and unpredictable environment.
Organisational Agility is the result of embarking on a transformational journey that will result in significant changes to four core characteristics of the organisations. The four are:
Organisational Model (People & Culture)
Operating Model (Ways of Working)
Facilities & Technology
Governance & Practices
Responsibly for the overall delivery of the organisational agility transformation lies with a dedicated team within the Transformational office with significant support from a number of other teams, including an Agile Centre of excellence.
Because every organisation’s transformational journey is different, each one experiences any number of common and unique challenges.
Due to the fact that organisational transformations, which aim to create an organisational agility, require change throughout every aspect of the organisation, including financial people and culture, ways of working, facilities and applications, plus redesign of many processes and governance structures, they often present organisations with a wide range of challenges. The root cause of many of such challenges lie within the following topics:
Transformational Program Management
Transformational Ownership
Transformational Blueprint
Transformational Goals & OKRs
Transformational Roadmap
Transformational Resources
Role of the Agile COE
Transformational Resource Management
Transformational Common Challenges
Agile Maturity
Leadership Shifts
Team Empowerment
Psychological Safety
Customer Segmentation
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Additional information, including working examples and templates are available in the Monetical knowledge base.
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