How Monetical helps

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Monetical.Online a AI-powered Digital Consulting and Digital Coaching suite of tools that provide organisations with the best workflows, performance assessment capabilities, reporting and analytical insights to support the activities to become and stay Agile.

The bespoke workflows guide Coaches, Scrum Masters and Change Agents through the program set-up, product backlog definition, implementation roadmap definition complete with integrated a series of capability assessments and retrospective sessions.


Creating Agility - Mobilising Agile Teams in Just 90days

Monetical.Methods grants organisations the necessary coaching modules, workflows, and reporting and analytical capabilities to support their Agile transformation.

Monetical.Methods empowers Scrum Masters to lead the adoption of industry best practice.

Discover Monetical.Methods

Intelligent Retrospectives - Creating a Continuous Learning Organisation

Monetical’s unique Retrospective.Guru curates 10 years of structured Agile expertise to help your teams improve Agile adoption and address operational challenges by identifying root causes suggesting corrective measures for performance optimisation.

Discover Retrospective.Guru

Optimise Capability - Improving Your Agile Maturity

Assess, learn and implement is a key foundation of Agile - and key to developing teams as well as products. Monetical’s portfolio of capability and maturity assessments, combined with its library of improvement measures will help your teams perform better and faster and increase productivity.

Discover Monetical.Agile

Transformation Model - Ingredients for Creating An Organisational Agility Blueprint

Monetical.Blueprint gives you the organisational, commercial and operational building blocks for a successful business transformation. Everything you need to design, adopt and optimise an Agile Mindset and Ways of Working as part of an Agile transformation and beyond.

Discover Monetical.Blueprint
