
Transformational Program Structure


Successful Agile Transformational Programs consist of a number of core components that make-up their product backlog.

Transformational Plan – consists of a variety of activities:

  • that ensure effective communication of the program’s objectives and status, including early wins and use cases,

  • the tracking and reporting the overall progress of the Agile Transformation to organisational stakeholders.

  • And where and when necessary monitoring the organisation’s overall Agile Maturity.

An Agile Transformational Cross-discipline Team is formed that take on responsibility for the design, creation and deployment of the organisational blueprint.

The selection of a suitable Agile Transformational Model will be required to help define the scope of the transformation and help track progress to the TO-BE designs state.

Discover more

Additional information, including working examples and templates are available in the Monetical knowledge base.

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