
Transformational Program Ownership


Once the Transformational Office has stood-up a Transformational Team who owns the design and implementation of the Transformational Objectives & Key Results will take charge for shaping the mobilisation schedule with significant support from the Agile Centre of Excellence.

As the infographic suggests the size and relationship between the Transformational Team the Agile Centre of Excellence changes over the course of the transformational program.

The final position typically taken up by the Agile Centre of Excellence as the organisation settles into a SUSTAINED phases, is an autonomous one. With all of the major Transformational Objectives & Key Results delivered, the Agile Centre of Excellence will establish it’s own service offering, e.g. produce subject matter expertise, on such topics as tools selection and usage, process engineering, data analysis, performance optimisation to mention a few, which it provides to the organisation through a tailored service contract.

Discover more

Additional information, including working examples and templates are available in the Monetical knowledge base.

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