
Program Communication Strategy


Effective program execution relies heavily on a communication strategy that ensures consistent communication throughout the entire program life cycle with all its stakeholders. Effective communication will enable the program team to receive timely feedback on program deliverables and become aware of external factors that may influence the program goals.

A well defined program communication matrix describes the approach to be taken when presenting information about the program, it's purpose, mission, team members, goals, high-level quarterly milestones (Feature Roadmap), current and next working activities (e.g. Epics, Features and User Stories within the current and next few Sprints).

Finally, a program communication matrix ensures consistency from one team to the next and a clear and predictable communication between program team and its stakeholders, including the format, timing, delivery method and ownership.


Discover more

Additional information, including working examples and templates are available in the Monetical knowledge base.

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