
How to create motivated individuals on the agile team - an Agile Principle


The principle is:

Our projects consist of MOTIVATED INDIVIDUALS who receive the support they need, and the trust to get the job done.

The convergence of a number of factors has a dramatic affect on the motivation levels of agile teams. The most important motivation factor stems from the increased sense of trust and recognition the organisation places on the agile team.

Enabling members of the agile team to demonstrate their abilities every day requires leadership to define clear and achievable goals, which the Agile Team determine themselves how best to achieve them. The change in leadership style will result in less and less micromanagement encourage leadership to become more of a servant leader. Motivated Agile Teams perform better, produce better solutions and generally maintain a high level of performance for a longer period, against a backdrop of increased pressure and an ability to find solutions from some of the most prolonged challenges.

Additional recognition gained through regular feedback on their work product from the stakeholder reviews and direct customer feedback is also proven to increase motivation levels.

Increase ownership and a greater sense of control within the Agile Team is only possible when the organisation accepts the pace work and should the things not go to plan, the agile team or individual members of insu;ated from direct criticism.

A continued sense of ownership and responsibility requires some checks. The Agile Team must hold regular retrospective session, which enables them to voice any challenges or issues they may face without retribution, which gives them further confidence to retain ownership of the resolution or to escalate the matter with confidence.

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