Organisational Agility Explained
Organisational Agility comes from creating a culture that is a blend of
new ways of working,
a growth mindset
an increased customer centricity
to create offerings that delight and create a competitive advantage, or improve internal operational performance, in an ever-changing and unpredictable environment.
To create an agile culture, organisations must develop competencies and capabilities within these three agile cultural themes:
Competency and capability examples include:
the selection and adoption of the most suitable process methods, for example, a batch process, commonly referred to a Scrum, which are part of the Ways of Working theme.
developing a psychological safety environment for the employees, which encourages them to use their initiative rather than continue to operate within a command and control setting.
adopting a minimum and iterative approach to operational or commercial execution, which is part of the Customer Centricity theme, to ensure early and focused customer engagement.
Over the course of the past 10 years the Monetical team has repeatedly observed organisations invest significant amount of time and effort on the ways of working and adopting some techniques on their way to becoming more customer centric.
However, further time and effort is required to truly create an Agile Culture by investing in the development of a Growth Mindset from the most senior to the support staff requires attention.
Failure to make the necessary changes will constrain the organisation's ability to respond quickly to emerging opportunities or challenges, because of a continued centralised command and control hierarchy, that has not unlocked the wealth of expertise, energy or commitment of its most valuable resource, its employees.
Here we have highlighted the most frequent capability and competency components that organisations typically overlook or under invest in. We therefore recommend your agile transformational community embarks on a thorough review of their current position, paying particular attention to the following four components. And where necessary exploit the wealth of knowledge contained within Monetical to course correct.
Leadership Shift
Adopting a new servant leadership approach for providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people to create organisational agility.
Psychological Safety
Ensuring individuals or teams are not punished for speaking up or challenging authority, or for making mistakes as they take the initiative..
Team Empowerment
Empowering a cross-discipline team with shared responsibility to make real-time operational and commercial decisions on the most effective way to meet their goals.
Customer Segmentation
Viewing customers through a segmentation lens that groups them by their shared needs and wants; rather than their demographics, and establishes an effective and collaborative engagement process.
Discover more
Additional information, including working examples and templates are available in the Monetical knowledge base. Alternatively, click here to watch a YouTube presentation.
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